Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux [Skype pour Linux]
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux

Groupe :
Messages: 6
Alors qu’il était en version bêta depuis un bon moment, le logiciel Skype arrive enfin dans sa version pour Linux.

Voici les principales nouveautés introduites par cette nouvelle mouture :

* Une amélioration de la qualité audio pendant les conférences
* Le nombre maximal de personnes pendant une conférence audio passe à 9
* Le nombre maximal de personnes dans une conversation écrite passe à 100
* Nouvelles langues
* Possibilité de désactiver l’envoi automatique du nombre de contacts d’un utilisateur
* Ajout d’ombre sur les avatars des cartes de contacts
* Affichage d’un indicateur pour préciser si un utilisateur est sur un périphérique mobile

Il faut préciser également que cette version finale corrige un très grand nombre de bugs par rapport à la bêta.

* feature: Add call cost per minute to 1:1 SkypeOut calls.
* feature: Add UI detection of Slovak, Farsi (Persian) and Vietnamese language files.
* feature: Added privacy option to disable the sending of the number of contacts you have to your contacts.
* feature: Implement HashLinkURL to provide easy links to #12345 references in chats.
* feature: Shadows on user avatars on contact card.
* feature: Show an indicator when the user is on an embedded device such as a Skype phone.
* feature API: BTN_PRESSED/BTN_RELEASED are now implemented.
* feature API: SEARCH ACTIVECHATS is now implemented.
* bugfix: 1:1 chats should not have Leave Chat button.
* bugfix: Add a blinking window effect for some windows which are already open when we get a new chat message.
* bugfix: Add a workaround for a KWin issue preventing closed minimized chats from being reopened.
* bugfix: Add bubbles from mood message to avatars on contact card.
* bugfix: Add right-click context menu to chat window for copying text/links.
* bugfix: Avoid status text being truncated on status button in profile editor.
* bugfix: BTN_PRESSED YES should activate Call functionality regardless of double-click action.
* bugfix: Be sure the chat window doesn't reappear after we leave the chat.
* bugfix: Call Ringing sound shouldn't be audible during Do Not Disturb status mode.
* bugfix: Can't add a contact to a chat using drag and drop.
* bugfix: Change Call Hold/Resume button at the correct times (even when changing hold/resume during fullscreen video)
* bugfix: Change file transfer filename to saved filename if different from original filename in transfer window.
* bugfix: Compare chats in recent chats/etc menus correctly to check if they are unread.
* bugfix: Contacts shouldn't disappear when they're moved between columns when receiving contacts.
* bugfix: Copy URLs to both X selection and Clipboard, as users may want to middle-click the copied link into their browser.
* bugfix: Crash after 2 minutes of signing in if we are signed out at that time.
* bugfix: Crash after signing in with incorrect details after signing out.
* bugfix: Display video in full-screen at correct aspect ratio regardless of monitor dimensions.
* bugfix: Do not always put new chat windows at top left corner if no previous setting found, let window manager determine position.
* bugfix: Do not freeze when opening options dialog
* bugfix: Do not initialise /dev/video0 whenever we start a video call (could prevent video from working when video0 fails)
* bugfix: Do not instantly close Voicemail events when clicking the play button in new events panel.
* bugfix: Do not let Voicemail messages continue to play in the background after closing them.
* bugfix: Do not show authorisation options in context menu for events if we already authorised the user.
* bugfix: Do not unnecessarily init device twice when starting video (speeds up video init by 50%)
* bugfix: Downscaling for Myself View / Oversized Video on X11 (non-accelerated).
* bugfix: echo123 should be called Skype Test Call and should not have an 'Request Authorization' option.
* bugfix: Ending an incoming conference call should be allowed to redirect to Voicemail also.
* bugfix: Escape should close send contacts window before we attempt to send contacts.
* bugfix: Fix for chat being stuck in unread state in certain cases.
* bugfix: Fix for video output when not using XShm extension.
* bugfix: Fix locking up the client for up to 30 seconds randomly sometimes for heavy Skype users.
* bugfix: If main window is thinner than login window and right-aligned, it would move to the left after restart.
* bugfix: Incoming calls should be redirected to Voicemail if configured to do so and another call is active.
* bugfix: Make 'Invite selected contacts to conference call' option work in contact list multiple selections menu.
* bugfix: Make contact list even more responsive whilst loading historical calls.
* bugfix: Make login/startup much faster and cleaner.
* bugfix: Make missed event text for birthdays clearer.
* bugfix: Many bugfixes to video in call window to handle window updates during paused video calls.
* bugfix: Only move main window if we have a previously saved position.
* bugfix: Only play chat message sent sound for actual sent messages and emotive actions.
* bugfix: Properly remember unread chats as unread after a Skype restart.
* bugfix: Receive Contacts should close when Escape is pressed.
* bugfix: Remember 'Show Myself View' setting during the video call (when switching to fullscreen and back, etc).
* bugfix: Remember chat splitter arrangement per user for 1:1 chats.
* bugfix: Remember chat window position per user for 1:1 chats.
* bugfix: Remember show/hide chat member list setting per user for 1:1 chats.
* bugfix: Remove grey contact card background.
* bugfix: Reordered Voicemail Options dialog to keep individual Voicemail features independent.
* bugfix: Send Contacts should cancel and/or close when Escape is pressed.
* bugfix: Shortened SkypeIn and SkypeOut call error messages.
* bugfix: Shrink myself view so it scales better on Xv and properly on X11.
* bugfix: Starting a conference call with a MySpace contact would result in a single call being made to 'myspace'.
* bugfix: Stop window from moving lower and lower on each restart.
* bugfix: Update chat window area size correctly after clearing to avoid mystery scrollbar returning.
* bugfix: Video call window is out of shape if the contact has a really long name.
* bugfix API: SET CHATMESSAGE [id] SEEN should remove now-read chats from events panel.
* All localizations updated: Bulgarian - Nikolina Filipova and Nikolay Filipov, Simplified Chinese - Asus, Traditional Chinese - Asus, German - Claudius Henrichs, Estonian - Eve Loopere, French - Cédric Lamouche, Italian - Vincenzo Reale & Marco Cimmino, Japanese - Asus, Korean - Asus, Latvian- Intars Students, Lithuanian -Viktoras Kriukovas, Polish - Karol Szastok, Portuguese Portugal - Gustavo Adolfo Silva Ribeiro Felisberto, Brazilian Portuguese -Asus, Romanian - Peter Henning, Russian - Pavel Shevchuk, Spanish - Asus & Carlos Johnson, Thai - Asus, Turkish - Ömer Emin Dede

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Date de publication : 14/03/2008 20:36
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Aujourd'hui 28/03 sortie de la v2.0.0.68

Traduc auto On

Cette version vous apporte un soutien pour uPnP, ce qui aide de nombreuses personnes derrière NAT pour parvenir à une meilleure expérience de Skype.

Traduc auto Off

Merci de ne pas poluer ce sujet réservé aux annonces de nouvelle version.

Date de publication : 28/03/2008 23:23
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Oyé, oyé
Aujourd'hui vous pouvez disposer de la version française de skype vidéo pour Linux,


Sujet réservé aux annonces de versions, merci de ne rien poster à la suite.

Date de publication : 14/04/2008 22:34
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
Groupe :
Messages: 394
bonjour à tous,

la nouvelle version 2.1 beta est en ligne :

quelques informations ici (en anglais) : ... pe_for_linux_21_beta.html



Date de publication : 28/08/2009 10:16
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Landivisiau - Finistère - France
Groupe :
Messages: 211

Nouvelle version : Skype

Nouveautés :

* Partage d'écran à distance,
* Prise en charge de thèmes,
* Mettre un message en citation,
* Possibilité d'associer plusieurs courriels à un contact.

Skype ubuntu 32 bits :

Skype ubuntu 64 bits :

Skype OpenSuse :

Skype Fédora :

Skype Autres distributions :

Sujet réservé aux annonces de versions, merci de ne rien poster à la suite.


Date de publication : 06/05/2010 11:03

Modifié par : Flottille12F sur 06/05/2010 11:20:09
Modifié par : Flottille12F sur 06/05/2010 11:22:41
Modifié par : Flottille12F sur 06/05/2010 11:23:19
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