Les nouvelles versions pour Linux [Skype pour Linux]
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Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Le 14 juin est sortie la version bêta pour Linux


Choisissez votre distribution pour télécharger.

La mise à jour principale concerne l'acoustique comme suit:

- Codec audio intégré de Skype
- Mélangeur de conférence amélioré par Skype
- Amortisseur et dissimulation de frousse de Skype
- Composants audio de pré-traitement de Skype
(Traduction auto de la version anglaise)

Date de publication : 16/06/2007 11:44
Amicalement - Claude -
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux

De Brauvilliers
Groupe :
Messages: 12
je suis resté à dapper , ca rplus stable et la maintenance est assurée . Donc j'ai télépchargé une archive de skype , la version

est c ela derniere version supportée par ubuntu dapper ? Il semblerait qu'il ya it une version avec des possibilités interessantes pour le bas débit - est ce que j epeux charger une version pour ubuntu suivant dapper ( drake ou feisty , je crois : avec quel manoeuvre ?

Sur le site pour le telechargement de skype , il n'ya de possibilité que pour festy

Date de publication : 24/07/2007 22:25
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Le 1er Août, sortie de la version


Choisissez votre distribution avant de télécharger

Voici les mises à jour pour ceux qui maitrisent l'anglais

feature: Start Minimized option now works when auto-login is enabled.
feature: Improved performance of selection and animated emoticons in chat.
feature: ALSA mic volume auto-adjustment.
feature: /alertsoff, /alertson, /alertson [string] for less chat annoyance.
feature: (flag:iso) icons.
feature: Allow ‘Enter’ to open event history events.
feature: Allow collapsing of contacts by clicking on blue title bar.
feature: Auto-open event panel when new events come in.
feature: Chat history loading screen.
feature: Chat myself area.
feature: Ctrl-E to switch between full events and contacts view.
feature: Ctrl-F, F3, Shift-F3 in chat.
feature: Ctrl-U to hide offline contacts.
feature: Different new events notification in systray.
feature: Enable some basic skype: and callto: functionality in chat.
feature: Event type selection in Quickfilter
feature: Flags in dialpad and profile editor.
feature: Login/Db conversion progress bar.
feature: New Dialpad
feature: New New Event Event Tracking
feature: Quickfilter in Event History
feature: Receive Contacts.
feature: Send Contacts.
feature: Show SkypeOut number in contact card for SkypeOut contacts.
feature: Special options screens for Voicemail and Call Forwarding if features are unavailable.
feature: Support skype: element, ?userinfo to view user’s profiles.
feature: Undelivered message notifications.
bugfix: Fix for ftp.. and www.. being listed as links.
bugfix: Fix crash on exit after opening a chat window (during that session).
bugfix: Honour the Re-add contact option in Blocked Contacts management.
bugfix: Leave default Skype startup size the same as login screen.
bugfix: Fix emotes button status after clicking on an emoticon.
bugfix: Allow selecting of .gif files for avatars.
bugfix: Refused outbound call was treated as a new missed event.
bugfix: Fix for broken collapsing of single transfer when status changes.
bugfix: Do not make chat windows appear in Do Not Disturb mode, regardless of setting.
bugfix: Fix status and progress for some transfer window children.
bugfix: Actually save e-mail and full name into profile on new account creation.
bugfix: Crash when attempting to use the “Join to Conference” feature on incoming calls.
bugfix: Use 48 pixel icons for chat windows.
bugfix: Avoid ghost chats turning up in event history when creating new chat windows.
bugfix: Fix for bad contact card selection in some cases.
bugfix: Voicemail setting is incorrectly shown as enabled if it has never been enabled in the client.
bugfix: Fix for a crash when deleting new birthday events.
bugfix: Crash on Signout due to new new events animator.
bugfix #SCL-12: Use foreground colour from user’s settings for chat, to avoid black on black issue.
bugfix #SCL-60: Fix tooltip to change properly after midnight.
bugfix #SCL-84: Fix for scroll overdrawing in transfer widget.
bugfix #SCL-91: Fix single click to always open chat popups.
bugfix #SCL-93: Do not Request Authorisation for SkypeOut contacts.
bugfix #SCL-102: In Edit SkypeOut Contact: ‘RENAME’ button should be called ‘APPLY’
bugfix #SCL-109: Hide mood message bubble when contact does not have a mood message.
bugfix #SCL-116: Fix for situation 1, disabled answer call button.
bugfix #SCL-116: Fix half-button clickable bug in popups for Qt 4.2.x.
bugfix #SCL-123: Ctrl-W now closes chat window.
bugfix #SCL-126: Don’t show chat message popup for active chat window.
bugfix #SCL-142: Add CallAnswered event fire.
bugfix #SCL-146: Typo in default translation for call forwarding description.
bugfix: API MINIMIZE should close to systray.
bugfix: Actually update selected audio devices with API AUDIO_{IN,OUT},RINGER
bugfix: Add another SkypeOut ‘Invalid number’ failure message.
bugfix: Add hovering to transfer directory change button.
bugfix: Allow collapsing with ctrl in chat memberlist.
bugfix: Allow sending messages using Numpad Enter key.
bugfix: Avoid mic level adjustment resetting mixer values to 0.
bugfix: Avoid an overdrawing effect sometimes when switching groups / using quickfilter on contact list.
bugfix: Avoid crash when collapsing events.
bugfix: Avoid crashes/unexpected behaviour on some dual-contact list events (ie. send contacts)
bugfix: Avoid showing old events in new events panel on startup/sometimes.
bugfix: Avoid single click to open chats not working.
bugfix: Blocked status icon wasn’t implemented correctly.
bugfix: Case-independent emoticons matching.
bugfix: Centre delete multiple contacts dialog too.
bugfix: Centre rename, block and delete widgets on screen for now to avoid them drawing offscreen sometimes.
bugfix: Change default action for skype: link to Call if no double-click action is defined.
bugfix: Chat input area is set to 3 lines of text upon opening.
bugfix: Clear last event selection when switching out of event history.
bugfix: Close Auth Request widget popup if acted upon.
bugfix: Contact cards keep their style after being hidden in a chat with ctrl-click.
bugfix: Crash when deleting calls.
bugfix: Do not ask authorization from PSTN contacts.
bugfix: Don’t give Place Call / Add to Contacts / etc options for Undisclosed numbers
bugfix: Don’t hide offline contacts in chats.
bugfix: Don’t hide offline contacts in some special filters (ie. send contacts).
bugfix: Don’t jump to password prompt is username prompt is empty on login.
bugfix: Don’t lose Personal Information divider after viewing a PSTN profile.
bugfix: Don’t show unread chats as missed events on repopulation for people who have windows automagically appearing.
bugfix: Don’t trigger any event sounds/popups for /alertsoff chat.
bugfix: Ensure transfer window reappears if a new transfer arrives or is sent.
bugfix: Fix a crash on new events new events code.
bugfix: Fix event bumping - necessary now without event repopulation.
bugfix: Fix font size on chat Myself Area mood.
bugfix: Fix for creating an ‘empty’ BirthdaysSeen/BirthdaysDeleted key in config.
bugfix: Fix for loading ftp.blabla or www.bla.bla links in the correct browser.
bugfix: Fix for some obscure possible behaviour where a single-selected contact could be cleared.
bugfix: Fix receiving skypeout contacts.
bugfix: Fix some ampersand escaping issues in Rename Widget and contact list tooltips.
bugfix: Fix some historical chats being added with wrong icon to event history.
bugfix: Fix some quickfilter reset issues.
bugfix: Fix stray contact card bug.
bugfix: Focus input area on activation change.
bugfix: Make double-clicking work in events history with slow event expanding (ie. lots of events).
bugfix: Make quickfilter dialing work correctly again.
bugfix: Minimum chat input area height is 1 line of text.
bugfix: More auto mic level fixes — should now choose a proper mic device to change volume of for most users.
bugfix: Only auto-open event panel if we’re not Do Not Disturb.
bugfix: PSTN numbers are now correctly shown in incoming call popup.
bugfix: Uninitialised value in Options -> Advanced dialog.
bugfix: Remove buttons and fix up translations for multiple authorisation request dialog.
bugfix: Remove duplicate window when joining to conference and merging calls.
bugfix: Revert to unselected style after using a quickfilter to find one contact, then resetting.
bugfix: Send Connecting, Ringing Out and other user-initiated call operation sounds to headset.
bugfix: Show completed/failed calls in event history (without repopulation).
bugfix: Show completed/failed transfers in event history (without repopulation).
bugfix: Show the sender of incoming contacts.
bugfix: Some additional fixes to chat missed events repopulation.
bugfix: Update stale quickfilter status properly on events/contacts change.
bugfix: Update the people online count from time to time.
bugfix: Use a smaller profile editor window if it won’t fit on screen.
bugfix: Work around some issues with event history selections.
bugfix: Work around new user registration first attempt failure.
cleanup: A couple of tooltips added in main window and contact card.
cleanup: Add Privacy button to e-mail field in Profile Editor.
cleanup: Change ‘Database failure’ error to alert user another instance may be running.
cleanup: Change Ctrl-W behaviour on main window from Sign out to Hide window.
cleanup: Change Dialpad icon in Call Window.
cleanup: Disable the auto away/NA features more until they’re implemented later.
cleanup: Don’t try to round corners on mood message bubble.
cleanup: Memory leaks with event widgets.
cleanup: Only animate emoticons in the currently active chat window.
cleanup: Prettify main menu a little.
cli: Add —disable-api command-line parameter to prevent connection to X11/DBus API.
cli: Add —disable-cleanlooks command-line parameter to override default theme.
workaround: Disable UI smart 1:1 chat grouping for now to avoid unreadable chats.

Merci de ne rien poster à la suite, sujet réservé aux annonces.

Date de publication : 07/08/2007 20:20
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Aujourd'hui sortie de la version


Choisissez votre distribution avant de télécharger

Ce hotfix résout un problème critique trouvé dans le dégagement précédent, à savoir Skype brisé sur la mise en train pour certains quand ils ont programmé l'ouverture automatique.

Merci de ne rien poster à la suite, sujet réservé aux annonces.

Date de publication : 09/08/2007 00:06
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Le 4/10/2007 est sortie Skype Panacée pour Linuxhttp://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/

Choisissez votre distribution avant de télécharger
Merci de ne rien poster à la suite, sujet réservé aux annonces

New features of the Panacea are:

  • feature: Command line switches, run “skype —help” for more details.
  • feature: —resources= to set an alternative to /usr/share/skype for resources.
  • feature: Add an option to Sound Devices to enable/disable automatic mixer adjustment.
  • feature: Allow keyboard/keypad to be used to enter DTMF numbers in call window.
  • feature: Clickable links in chat topics.
  • feature: Tooltips for emoticons in the chat window.
  • feature: Chat toolbar with Add People, Send File(s) to Chat, History and Leave Chat buttons.
  • feature: Confirmation dialog for Leave Chat button.
  • feature: Drag-and-drop files to chat input box to send files to chat.
  • feature: Drag-and-drop files to individual contacts in chat or contact list to send files.
  • feature: Drag-and-drop users from contact list into chat input box to send contacts.
  • feature: Drag-and-drop users from contact list into chat memberlist to add to chat.
  • feature: Dragging of contacts into other programs (text entry) will copy skype:.
  • feature: File transfer menu.
  • feature: API OPEN FILETRANSFER and OPEN USERINFO commands.
  • feature: Auto-accept file transfers.
  • feature: “Cleanup transfers” button.
  • feature: Key ‘F6’ to bring main window focus instantly to Quickfilter.
  • feature: Interface language choice in Options based on translation files available (restart required).
  • feature: “New version available” dialog.

Other changes and bug fixes are:

  • bugfix #SCL-194: Don’t open two call windows when pressing enter on Call Ordinary Phones.
  • bugfix #SCL-86: Change topic background drawing behaviour to hopefully avoid drawing issue.
  • bugfix: API case-insensitive command matching in UI.
  • bugfix: API crash when using OPEN CHAT with invalid chat name.
  • bugfix: API crashing conference calls
  • bugfix #SPA-387: API When issuing many API Calls, DBus suddenly stops.
  • bugfix: Add a minimum size to Send Contacts/Create Conference/Add Chat Members window.
  • bugfix: Add mouse hover support for several buttons.
  • bugfix: Add tooltips to Play/Stop Voicemail button.
  • bugfix: Added a subtle background change as well as animation to emoticon selector.
  • bugfix: Allow searching through chat in the other direction after a failure in one direction.
  • bugfix: Allow smoother positive resizing to Send Contacts/Create Conference/Add Chat Members window.
  • bugfix: Automatically rename incoming files if they already exist.
  • bugfix: Avoid a situation of file transfer icon on main window being displayed when transfer window is open.
  • bugfix: Avoid some unpredictable/ugly event history expansion behaviour when contact list is hidden.
  • bugfix: Centre Send Contacts/Create Conference/Add Chat Members dialogs.
  • bugfix: Clicking on Send Contacts/Create Conference/Add Chat Members users shouldn’t allow you to edit their names.
  • bugfix: Disable ‘Animated Emoticons’ checkbox when ‘Emoticons’ checkbox is disabled.
  • bugfix: Disable Emoticons button in Chat Windows when Emoticons have been disabled.
  • bugfix: Display exact Skype name match in search as first result on initial results display.
  • bugfix: Don’t display Skype Name Taken error after logging out from initial signup login.
  • bugfix: Don’t show dialog if we already have all the received contacts on our list.
  • bugfix: Enable word wrapping in both Qt 4.2 (doesn’t wrap long lines) and 4.3 (wraps either words or long lines)
  • bugfix: Search in chat using F3/Shift-F3 no longer duplicate the same match when changing direction.
  • bugfix: Fix a crash on startup in some situations.
  • bugfix: Fix for a bug where some matches could be skipped during searching.
  • bugfix: Fix for pasting of foreign characters into chat input box from some places.
  • bugfix: Fix height of chat window toolbar buttons.
  • bugfix: Fix width/height of Myself Area in chat.
  • bugfix: Make ‘Open Receiving Directory’ work for transfer events in event history.
  • bugfix: Make Error dialog into Warning dialog on search failure (meaning keyboard focus is on Okay button)
  • bugfix: Make chat window re-appear if it was closed a second before a new incoming message arrived.
  • bugfix: Make multi-line ‘About Me’ (introductory) messages in user profile Windows-friendly.
  • bugfix: Make multi-line mood messages Windows-friendly.
  • bugfix: Make scrollbar always on and perform better width/height calculations in chat.
  • bugfix: Never delete chat history when deleting events in event history, just hide the chats.
  • bugfix: Never scroll-up on resizes if the scrollbar was at bottom already.
  • bugfix: Pressing load history while loading history crashes client.
  • bugfix: Put received contacts in Add column by default.
  • bugfix: Remove birthday from new events when ‘Remind Me Later’ is selected.
  • bugfix: Remove cancel button from Load History.
  • bugfix: Remove hard-coded accelerator keys from chat window.
  • bugfix: Remove one of the drag splitters from emoticons bar in chat window.
  • bugfix: Resize display name on main window when event history is visible.
  • bugfix: Stop Myself Card overlapping participants list in chats when resizing chat windows to minimal height.
  • bugfix: Store the chat splitter position for each chat to disk.
  • bugfix: Support . in Skype names for skype: URI handling.
  • bugfix: Support for conference calls in skype: URI handling.
  • bugfix: Unrecognised link should never get divided up (fdwww.smh.net example)
  • bugfix: Update expanded event time descriptions at midnight.
  • cleanup: Ability to copy data from profile fields.
  • cleanup: Add 1 pixel border around blue area on contact cards.
  • cleanup: Add a checkable display to Remind Me Later so it can be toggled on/off later.
  • cleanup: Add click feedback to our buttons.
  • cleanup: Add a faint line between multi transfers.
  • cleanup: Add some borders to Myself and Services frame in main contact list.
  • cleanup: Add spacing around change birthday button in profile editor.
  • cleanup: Align Avatar in Myself Area in Chat to Top.
  • cleanup: Change emoticons bar to match the intended design more closely.
  • cleanup: Chat window clean-up.
  • cleanup: Fix size of Privacy Button icon in Profile Editor.
  • cleanup: Grey Buttons With Round Corners Look Cool.
  • cleanup: Green Offline with Call Forwarding icon.
  • cleanup: Line-up default chat splitter to Myself Area height.
  • cleanup: Change minimum sign-in window height to 450 pixels
  • cleanup: More main window tooltips.
  • cleanup: Move Find button to Emoticons bar in chat window.
  • cleanup: New icon for Add/Search on bottom of main window.
  • cleanup: New icon for event history / contact list swapping button.
  • cleanup: New Skype menu icon for login screen and main window.
  • cleanup: Optimise event model population.
  • cleanup: Populate %sskype and %sname variables in Call Events.
  • cleanup: Possible fix for transfer window having super-long progress bar.
  • cleanup: Remove a cascading layout from Transfer window (hopefully fixes some width calculation issues).
  • cleanup: Remove border from chat history loading and send contacts faded screens.
  • cleanup: Transfer window tweaks.
  • cleanup: Use a tooltip in event history to show the full path of the file sent or received.

Date de publication : 07/10/2007 12:40
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Skype 2,0 Beta pour Linux, la Grande Révolution

Première version ( qui offre la vidéo sous les distributions Linux.

Choisissez la votre avant de télécharger


The release version is and it brings you the following:

feature: Video.
feature: Option to automatically answer incoming calls (under Options -> Privacy).
feature: Use user’s desktop locale if a locale hasn’t been set in client.
video feature: Video Devices options dialog.
video feature: Video Accept/Decline dialog.
video feature: Full-screen video.
video feature: Double-clicking on video window toggles full-screen video.
video feature: Double-clicking on video preview in Options dialog will reveal full-screen myself preview.
improvement: Add missing translation for Sign in window title.
improvement: Change Calls Forwarded icon.
improvement: Clean up button spacings in myself/credit bar.
improvement: Don’t render Contact popups together.
improvement: Fix call window minimum contact card height to match design specification more closely.
improvement: Remove dependency on libsigc++.

Merci de ne rien poster à la suite, sujet réservé aux annonces

Date de publication : 07/11/2007 18:15
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Et vous trouverez la traduction française en RC2 ICI

Date de publication : 21/11/2007 12:12
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux

Groupe :
Messages: 6
Voila Skype vienne de sortir la deuxième mise à jour de notre petit logiciel fétiche, il s'agit de la Version pour Linux, elle est sortie le 5 décembre 2007.
Pour le moment je n'ai pas trouvé le changelog, mais je peux vous annoncer que ma webcam fonctionne correctement (voir plus bas le "lsusb" 1) elle ne fait plus bugger le logiciel, par contre ma webcam intégrée à mon HP DV6120eu (voir plus bas le "lsusb" 2) continue à me faire des misères.

le "lsusb" 1
0ac8:301b Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0301 WebCam
le "lsusb" 2
05ca:1810 Ricoh Co., Ltd

Date de publication : 06/12/2007 19:43
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux
De Mt de Marsan - Landes - FRANCE -
Groupe :
Messages: 3135
Effectivement le 5 décembre est sortie la version dont le changelog suit.

The newly released version includes the following:

feature: Command-line login functionality provided by —pipelogin
feature: Show when someone is speaking during a call
feature: API: Add GET/SET WINDOWSTATE functionality
feature: Shift-Enter in contact list will activate the opposite default action on the selected contact (call instead of chat and vice versa)
improvement: UYVY conversion for Apple iSight cameras.
improvement: Changes to ease CPU usage on v4l(1) cameras
improvement: Support for more resolutions on v4l and v4l2 cameras
improvement: Avoid flickering in the call window video area
bugfix: Crash for v4l cameras when switching resolution.
bugfix: Crash when finishing call with some cameras.
bugfix: Crash/memory leak with uvc cameras on fglrx driver.
bugfix: Workaround for uvc split-frame video bug with new Logitech cameras.
bugfix: Allow toggling of fullscreen while video is paused.
bugfix: Unable to resume video after resuming the call.
bugfix: Disable video while in a conference call.
bugfix: Crash on View Profile in Qt 4.3.1 and earlier.
bugfix: Fix contact/event skipping whilst scrolling through Contact List and Events History with keyboard.
bugfix: Fix Call button for newly added SkypeOut contact. Remove Chat button for newly added SkypeOut contact.
bugfix: Close chat window when you leave chat.
bugfix: Cancel search (if active) or close Search window if Escape is pressed.
bugfix: Add connecting animation to status icon.
bugfix: Don’t call random names when quickfilter reveals a single selection and we press enter.
bugfix: Rejecting incoming calls from the incoming call popup should redirect to Voicemail if necessary.
bugfix: Incoming file transfer in Do Not Disturb should go to New Events area without popup window.
bugfix: Add tooltip for (flag:xx) in chat.
bugfix: API: “OPEN FILETRANFER … IN path” command improvements.
bugfix: When offline, the number of online users should not be shown.
bugfix: Shift-F3 should bring Find in chat dialog with search direction preset to Up.

Pour obtenir cette version (en beta), rendez-vous ICI

Cette enfilade étant réservée à nos annonces des nouvelles versions, merci de ne rien poster à la suite.

Date de publication : 06/12/2007 21:03

Modifié par : Papy40 sur 08/01/2008 10:56:25
Amicalement - Claude -
Pas de contact direct sans que je l'aie demandé
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Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux

Groupe :
Messages: 6
Une nouvelle version est de retour la Skype for Linux, pour la télécharger c'est ICI

les modifications, ajouts :
* feature: Additional X11 overlay output support for video calls (without using Xv).
* feature: Automatic scrolling whilst highlighting in chat.
* feature: Click-and-hold for Call button on contact card to make SkypeOut calls to contact’s Home, Office, Mobile numbers.
* feature: Click-and-hold for Call button on incoming call popup to invite to conference call.
* feature: Click-and-hold for Add/Search Contact button to give quicker access to Add/Search options.
* feature: Preload all chats with a topic into event history.
* feature: Show birthday present in contact card on contact’s birthday.
* feature: Translations now also available in Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish and Thai.
* bugfix: API: Don’t bring up new chat window for an empty chat from CHAT CREATE.
* bugfix: API: Don’t respond to CALL command with OK.
* bugfix: API: Starting conference calls with CALL skypenameA, skypenameB now works as expected.
* bugfix: Allow user to change from a video device that no longer exists.
* bugfix: Always expand the contact card by default in 1:1 chats.
* bugfix: Bring chat window to the front if it is already open and is requested to be open.
* bugfix: Change red cross to green tick when file transfer is completed.
* bugfix: Chat find failure error dialog should be centred on the chat.
* bugfix: Chat member list no longer accepts any keyboard focus.
* bugfix: Clicking on the scrollbar in chat no longer loses focus on chat input area.
* bugfix: Correctly show mute status for mute events that happen outside the call window.
* bugfix: DBUS checkbox was offset in Options dialog.
* bugfix: Don’t allow a conference call to be invited to a conference call.
* bugfix: Don’t display Leave Chat dialog when using /leave feature, but still leave and close the chat window.
* bugfix: Don’t double-escape spaces in file paths.
* bugfix: Don’t remove current index when closing the last contact card.
* bugfix: Don’t remove the old SkypeOut number before adding the new one on rename, incase it fails.
* bugfix: Don’t send escaped version of the topic when changing topic.
* bugfix: Don’t show age in birthday reminders for contacts born in the future.
* bugfix: Don’t show the option to invite to a conference call when we are not the host.
* bugfix: Escape should close Invite user to chat dialog.
* bugfix: Escape should close error dialogs.
* bugfix: Event history filter type is forgotten when switching between contact list and event history.
* bugfix: File transfer widget didn’t update the number of people sending to when removing a transfer.
* bugfix: Use ‘Call Failed’ notification when Voicemail fails or is cancelled.
* bugfix: Fix a bug with speaking indicator conflicting with Call on Hold status messages.
* bugfix: Fix a regression with Shift-Arrow/Ctrl-Arrow in main list.
* bugfix: Fix crash in Rename Widget when trying to change to a PSTN number that’s too short.
* bugfix: Fix crash on incoming conference call.
* bugfix: Fix crash when entering short phone number in Add SkypeOut dialog.
* bugfix: Fix escaping issues in Profile Viewer.
* bugfix: Fix for a layout drawing bug in transfer window when adding to expanded transfer groups.
* bugfix: Fix for issues with holding calls and duration continuing
* bugfix: Fix for listview layout breakage when window is sized at minimum.
* bugfix: Fix for menus appearing below the mouse cursor on buttons.
* bugfix: Fix for tooltips disappearing elsewhere in the client during a call with technical call info enabled.
* bugfix: Fix for topic editing bar remaining open after window switch.
* bugfix: Fix minimum size being invalid in Invite users to chat dialog.
* bugfix: Fix mute button and tooltip in fullscreen video widget.
* bugfix: Fix some memory leaks and crashes related to historical calls.
* bugfix: Fix stray selection area visible after clearing selection in chat.
* bugfix: Hide Video button during a conference call.
* bugfix: If you hangup on a conference call participant whilst sending them a voicemail, they couldn’t be invited again.
* bugfix: Invite user to chat dialog should be centred on the chat.
* bugfix: Listboxes in Options Dialog should stretch.
* bugfix: Maintain avatar background colour during a sending-only video call.
* bugfix: Make Ctrl-Space toggle the selection of the current contact on the contact list.
* bugfix: Make Ctrl-V work when opening Call Ordinary Phones dialog.
* bugfix: Make Speaking indicator a bit more reliable during status changes.
* bugfix: Mouse cursor needs to be updated after moving over a link in chat and using the mouse wheel to scroll.
* bugfix: Numbers in Skype chats open in user’s browser instead of calling in Skype.
* bugfix: Open file paths in file browser, not Web browser.
* bugfix: Pasting a new mood message with the middle mouse button wouldn’t save.
* bugfix: Prevent empty new events panel bug to do with Calls/Birthdays.
* bugfix: Ringing sound may not stop if inviting an incoming call to a conference call fails.
* bugfix: Remember file transfer window location and size.
* bugfix: Remove 25fps video send limit due to uvc driver fix.
* bugfix: Remove over-complicated contact menu call actions.
* bugfix: Removed 8) B) b) emoticon definitions.
* bugfix: Scrollbar shouldn’t be scrollable when the chat window is empty.
* bugfix: Search dialog could be resized below valid minimum size.
* bugfix: Select previous name in Rename Contact when opening dialog.
* bugfix: Sending an empty message to the API could crash the client.
* bugfix: Show contact’s name instead of ellipses when shortening chat history.
* bugfix: Show if a 1:1 call is held in the window title.
* bugfix: Turning Auto-Away/NA option off would not save correctly. (#SCL-308)
* bugfix: Update chat window when message is delivered/undelivered to correctly redraw layout.
* bugfix: Update video preview to new device if applying changes in options dialog.
* bugfix: Wrap words correctly in chat input box.

Date de publication : 07/02/2008 04:56

Modifié par : NiKuS sur 07/02/2008 05:34:14
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