Kevin Delaney, young Co-Founder of KhaosLabs ! - 5 - Interviews - Actualité
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Kevin Delaney, young Co-Founder of KhaosLabs !

Publié par RédacChef le 06/09/2005 19:40:00 (6368 lectures)
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... Flash Interview
... Kevin Delaney

Profile: 15 years, student from Ontario, Canada,
Co-Founder of KhaosLabs, Skype partner's

Kevin, some words about you ... Who are you ?

I'm a high school student from Ontario, Canada. I'm also the Co-Founder of KhaosLabs, a software development company.

How did you know Skype ?

I originally heard about Skype on TechTV and decided to give it a try. I was amazed at the fact that I could make free calls to anywhere in the world. Skype was what originally inspired me to start programming, as I saw the potential that it had.

Is KhaosLabs a start-up enterprise ?

Yes. KhaosLabs was started up by my friend and now business partner Kevin Langlois in the Fall of 2004. In early 2005, we added Jason Terando, creator of ActiveS (a Skype API COM Wrapper for Windows Developers) to the roster.

How long you devote to KhaosLabs ?

When I'm not busy with schoolwork, I devote the majority of my time to KhaosLabs and its users.

What is the activity of KhaosLabs ?

KhaosLabs is a software development team. We mainly focus on the Skype API, but anything's possible. We also do consulting and contract work for companies looking to Skype-enable their products.

Which are software of KhaosLabs ?

Currently we have 3 public products available:

- KhaosDial - Generates DTMF tones that can be used to dial Skype or any POTS phone.

- ActiveS - An API COM Wrapper for Skype. It allows easier access to the Skype API for Windows programmers.

- FlickrBar - A FireFox extension that allows easy access to your account. (On hold at time of interview)

We have many more on the way in the coming months.

Actually, which is your more important product ?

We get the most traffic, usage, and comments for ActiveS. It's definitely our #1 priority right now.
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