Re: Les nouvelles versions pour Linux

Publié par Papy40 le 07/08/2007 20:20:51
Le 1er Août, sortie de la version

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Voici les mises à jour pour ceux qui maitrisent l'anglais

feature: Start Minimized option now works when auto-login is enabled.
feature: Improved performance of selection and animated emoticons in chat.
feature: ALSA mic volume auto-adjustment.
feature: /alertsoff, /alertson, /alertson [string] for less chat annoyance.
feature: (flag:iso) icons.
feature: Allow ‘Enter’ to open event history events.
feature: Allow collapsing of contacts by clicking on blue title bar.
feature: Auto-open event panel when new events come in.
feature: Chat history loading screen.
feature: Chat myself area.
feature: Ctrl-E to switch between full events and contacts view.
feature: Ctrl-F, F3, Shift-F3 in chat.
feature: Ctrl-U to hide offline contacts.
feature: Different new events notification in systray.
feature: Enable some basic skype: and callto: functionality in chat.
feature: Event type selection in Quickfilter
feature: Flags in dialpad and profile editor.
feature: Login/Db conversion progress bar.
feature: New Dialpad
feature: New New Event Event Tracking
feature: Quickfilter in Event History
feature: Receive Contacts.
feature: Send Contacts.
feature: Show SkypeOut number in contact card for SkypeOut contacts.
feature: Special options screens for Voicemail and Call Forwarding if features are unavailable.
feature: Support skype: element, ?userinfo to view user’s profiles.
feature: Undelivered message notifications.
bugfix: Fix for ftp.. and www.. being listed as links.
bugfix: Fix crash on exit after opening a chat window (during that session).
bugfix: Honour the Re-add contact option in Blocked Contacts management.
bugfix: Leave default Skype startup size the same as login screen.
bugfix: Fix emotes button status after clicking on an emoticon.
bugfix: Allow selecting of .gif files for avatars.
bugfix: Refused outbound call was treated as a new missed event.
bugfix: Fix for broken collapsing of single transfer when status changes.
bugfix: Do not make chat windows appear in Do Not Disturb mode, regardless of setting.
bugfix: Fix status and progress for some transfer window children.
bugfix: Actually save e-mail and full name into profile on new account creation.
bugfix: Crash when attempting to use the “Join to Conference” feature on incoming calls.
bugfix: Use 48 pixel icons for chat windows.
bugfix: Avoid ghost chats turning up in event history when creating new chat windows.
bugfix: Fix for bad contact card selection in some cases.
bugfix: Voicemail setting is incorrectly shown as enabled if it has never been enabled in the client.
bugfix: Fix for a crash when deleting new birthday events.
bugfix: Crash on Signout due to new new events animator.
bugfix #SCL-12: Use foreground colour from user’s settings for chat, to avoid black on black issue.
bugfix #SCL-60: Fix tooltip to change properly after midnight.
bugfix #SCL-84: Fix for scroll overdrawing in transfer widget.
bugfix #SCL-91: Fix single click to always open chat popups.
bugfix #SCL-93: Do not Request Authorisation for SkypeOut contacts.
bugfix #SCL-102: In Edit SkypeOut Contact: ‘RENAME’ button should be called ‘APPLY’
bugfix #SCL-109: Hide mood message bubble when contact does not have a mood message.
bugfix #SCL-116: Fix for situation 1, disabled answer call button.
bugfix #SCL-116: Fix half-button clickable bug in popups for Qt 4.2.x.
bugfix #SCL-123: Ctrl-W now closes chat window.
bugfix #SCL-126: Don’t show chat message popup for active chat window.
bugfix #SCL-142: Add CallAnswered event fire.
bugfix #SCL-146: Typo in default translation for call forwarding description.
bugfix: API MINIMIZE should close to systray.
bugfix: Actually update selected audio devices with API AUDIO_{IN,OUT},RINGER
bugfix: Add another SkypeOut ‘Invalid number’ failure message.
bugfix: Add hovering to transfer directory change button.
bugfix: Allow collapsing with ctrl in chat memberlist.
bugfix: Allow sending messages using Numpad Enter key.
bugfix: Avoid mic level adjustment resetting mixer values to 0.
bugfix: Avoid an overdrawing effect sometimes when switching groups / using quickfilter on contact list.
bugfix: Avoid crash when collapsing events.
bugfix: Avoid crashes/unexpected behaviour on some dual-contact list events (ie. send contacts)
bugfix: Avoid showing old events in new events panel on startup/sometimes.
bugfix: Avoid single click to open chats not working.
bugfix: Blocked status icon wasn’t implemented correctly.
bugfix: Case-independent emoticons matching.
bugfix: Centre delete multiple contacts dialog too.
bugfix: Centre rename, block and delete widgets on screen for now to avoid them drawing offscreen sometimes.
bugfix: Change default action for skype: link to Call if no double-click action is defined.
bugfix: Chat input area is set to 3 lines of text upon opening.
bugfix: Clear last event selection when switching out of event history.
bugfix: Close Auth Request widget popup if acted upon.
bugfix: Contact cards keep their style after being hidden in a chat with ctrl-click.
bugfix: Crash when deleting calls.
bugfix: Do not ask authorization from PSTN contacts.
bugfix: Don’t give Place Call / Add to Contacts / etc options for Undisclosed numbers
bugfix: Don’t hide offline contacts in chats.
bugfix: Don’t hide offline contacts in some special filters (ie. send contacts).
bugfix: Don’t jump to password prompt is username prompt is empty on login.
bugfix: Don’t lose Personal Information divider after viewing a PSTN profile.
bugfix: Don’t show unread chats as missed events on repopulation for people who have windows automagically appearing.
bugfix: Don’t trigger any event sounds/popups for /alertsoff chat.
bugfix: Ensure transfer window reappears if a new transfer arrives or is sent.
bugfix: Fix a crash on new events new events code.
bugfix: Fix event bumping - necessary now without event repopulation.
bugfix: Fix font size on chat Myself Area mood.
bugfix: Fix for creating an ‘empty’ BirthdaysSeen/BirthdaysDeleted key in config.
bugfix: Fix for loading ftp.blabla or www.bla.bla links in the correct browser.
bugfix: Fix for some obscure possible behaviour where a single-selected contact could be cleared.
bugfix: Fix receiving skypeout contacts.
bugfix: Fix some ampersand escaping issues in Rename Widget and contact list tooltips.
bugfix: Fix some historical chats being added with wrong icon to event history.
bugfix: Fix some quickfilter reset issues.
bugfix: Fix stray contact card bug.
bugfix: Focus input area on activation change.
bugfix: Make double-clicking work in events history with slow event expanding (ie. lots of events).
bugfix: Make quickfilter dialing work correctly again.
bugfix: Minimum chat input area height is 1 line of text.
bugfix: More auto mic level fixes — should now choose a proper mic device to change volume of for most users.
bugfix: Only auto-open event panel if we’re not Do Not Disturb.
bugfix: PSTN numbers are now correctly shown in incoming call popup.
bugfix: Uninitialised value in Options -> Advanced dialog.
bugfix: Remove buttons and fix up translations for multiple authorisation request dialog.
bugfix: Remove duplicate window when joining to conference and merging calls.
bugfix: Revert to unselected style after using a quickfilter to find one contact, then resetting.
bugfix: Send Connecting, Ringing Out and other user-initiated call operation sounds to headset.
bugfix: Show completed/failed calls in event history (without repopulation).
bugfix: Show completed/failed transfers in event history (without repopulation).
bugfix: Show the sender of incoming contacts.
bugfix: Some additional fixes to chat missed events repopulation.
bugfix: Update stale quickfilter status properly on events/contacts change.
bugfix: Update the people online count from time to time.
bugfix: Use a smaller profile editor window if it won’t fit on screen.
bugfix: Work around some issues with event history selections.
bugfix: Work around new user registration first attempt failure.
cleanup: A couple of tooltips added in main window and contact card.
cleanup: Add Privacy button to e-mail field in Profile Editor.
cleanup: Change ‘Database failure’ error to alert user another instance may be running.
cleanup: Change Ctrl-W behaviour on main window from Sign out to Hide window.
cleanup: Change Dialpad icon in Call Window.
cleanup: Disable the auto away/NA features more until they’re implemented later.
cleanup: Don’t try to round corners on mood message bubble.
cleanup: Memory leaks with event widgets.
cleanup: Only animate emoticons in the currently active chat window.
cleanup: Prettify main menu a little.
cli: Add —disable-api command-line parameter to prevent connection to X11/DBus API.
cli: Add —disable-cleanlooks command-line parameter to override default theme.
workaround: Disable UI smart 1:1 chat grouping for now to avoid unreadable chats.

Merci de ne rien poster à la suite, sujet réservé aux annonces.

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